Name of Organization / Company: Telkomsigma - member of Telkom Indonesia
Category: F55 - F62 - Award for Innovation in Apps > F56. Award for Innovation in Business Utility Apps
In 2017, The Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture has set higher production targets for food and plantation commodities. The PDB (Gross Domestic Product) growth target is 3.89%, specifically for palm oil is 32.6 million ton, cane is 2.9 million ton, and rubber is 3,5 million ton. These numbers become big challenge for agro-industry in Indonesia, because since 2015, AFTA regulation makes competition among agro-industry in Indonesia became more intense.
To improve the competitive advantage, PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN), as a fully state-owned enterprise that is engaged in agro industry business sector, collaborated with Telkom to implement ERP with SAP platform to integrate all business process in November 2016. Although ERP suitable in any industry, ERP product with SAP Platform has no specific solution for agro-industry, especially with PTPN, which has many remote plantation area and multi crop with very specific treatment. Hence, Telkom develop a combined agro-industry solution between ERP-SAP platforms with agro management application in mobile platform (Android and other non-SAP apps). This system named “Fotosintesis” (photosynthesis) as abbreviation of “transformation through synergy & integrated system” and become the jargon of transformation in PTPN.
Fotosintesis is divided into two system:
The Back End system includes:
Standard module of SAP for transaction: Financial Accounting, Controlling, Material Management, Human Capital Management, Production Planning, Quality Management, Project System, Plant Maintenance, Sales and Distribution, Business Planning Consolidation, and Business Intelligent.
The Front End system includes:
• Fotosintesis Mobile Apps: system can be operated in online or offline condition, with scan QR code employee card to record employee attendance and work result. The data saved in mobile database, and can be updated to back end system when the mobile reach Internet. The transmission data use odata format to reduce cost of Internet data and still can updated in remote area.
• Estate management: record land concession, block master, block master organization, field crop, conversion of crop phase, number of active and inactive tree.
• Nursery: record transaction from seedling, seeding, selection, nursing, and transplanting seed to estate.
• Harvesting: record harvesting plan and distribution in estate.
• Log Book: record equipment activity includes vehicle mileage, operators and machine working hour, and also calculating equipment’s output.
• Weight Bridge: record all distribution products that use scale figure from weight bridge. The data will be integrated to back end system and updated periodically. The data will be standard to monitor stock movement.
• Buku Kerja Mandor (Foreman Workbook): record all activity in estate and plant, including employee attendance and earnings of yield.
• Check Roll: calculate employee payroll from all component (basic pay, rake-off, overtime, tax, allowance, and fine)
All data in The Front End, which is previously done manually, will be fully integrated with ERP-SAP.
Benefits for PTPN:
• Workflow process from estate and plant to holding office takes less than one hour, which is previously, took almost a week.
• Yield report can be updated daily via Fotosintesis mobile apps including estate in remote area which previously, took many days to updated.
• System will show actual and accurate data, so management can make a better analysis to improve PTPN’s competitive advantage and productivity.
Benefits for Telkom:
This implementation valued IDR 438,371,980,000 revenue for Telkom in five years’ contract, this is also obtained from monthly charge managed service scheme (OPEX) of IDR 2,011,500 per user per month.
In the future, Fotosintesis will be possible to add new features in the apps, such as Geo Tagging, chip and GPS for vehicle to monitor activity, camera feature as evidence to reduce fraud. NFC card can also be develop to substitute operational documentation (paper based). When all the transaction data have been completed, it also will be possible to integrate with Internet of Things (IOT).