Name of Organization / Company: Telkom Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Category: F55 - F62 - Award for Innovation in Apps > F59. Award for innovation in General Information Apps
Nowadays, there are many applications to help local government in managing their regions into smart city, sii8upported by ICT technology. Local government have used many applications and solutions from PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom) to support smart city implementation, for example e-Government, e-Kelurahan (e-District), PPDB Online (school enrolment), PHRI online (e-Tax), SPGDT online (emergency app), etc. However, citizen as the main parties in supporting successful implementation of smart city is still experiencing difficulties in using different applications and solutions.
Although many government institutions in serving citizens are heading towards digitization, some community groups still prefer to take care of their interests and needs manually (offline) because of the inconvenience mindset. Through innovation design sprint approach, Telkom try to formulate and solve the problem. As the result, Telkom came up with idea to develop apps called DCity.
DCity (Digital Touch Point Smart City for Citizen) is an integrated smart city application for local government digitalization that provides information & services for citizens of the city and city visitors. DCity consists of several integrated applications that displayed as menus into one application, there are Info Kota (City Information / HiCity), Cuaca (Weather), Tempat (Places), e-Pelaporan (e-Reporting), TMoney, ePuskesmas (e-Clinic), the detailed explanation are as followed:
a. e-Pelaporan is a service from DCity menu that enables citizens to give direct feedback to the city government when finding city problems, so the government can immediately take action through related institution.
b. Info Kota (HiCity) is a service from DCity menu that make it easier for citizen and visitor to collect valuable information about cities.
c. TMoney is a wallet and payment service from DCity menu for fixed line phone, mobile phone, electricity, insurance, etc.
d. e-Puskesmas is a service from DCity menu for examination administration both for social security administration holder and for non-holder.
e. Weather is a service from DCity menu that provide weather information in 5 days.
f. Places is a service from DCity menu that gives search options and also get information from searched places and directions to go to the addressed places.
DCity is a featured mobile application from Telkom and since the beginning of its development, it has received much support from the local government. DCity launching is conducted together with award submission to 52 Local Government in South Tangerang City in 2017 attended by Director of Enterprise & Business Service Telkom, Dian Rachmawan and South Tangerang Mayor, Airin Rachmi Dani. With the high appreciation from local government, it is expected that the local government as a critical point in successful implementation of smart city can perform DCity endorsement to increase public awareness.
Since its launch, DCity received positive testimony with a rating of 4.9 in Appstore (Google Play) and has received positive reviews from users. This shows the success of DCity applications in fulfilling the needs of citizen as integrated application that can facilitate communication between the community as user and local government to provide services that meet society satisfaction.
In 2017, since the launch of the DCity application, HiCity's contribution increased by IDR 2.9 million, e-Reporting amounted to IDR 6.6 million,and e-Puskesmas up to IDR 40 million, with total revenue of 2017 is IDR 50.5 million, as well as growth percentage soaring up to 116%, therefore, it shows tremendous result. DCity revenue and user growth are projected to increase rapidly, linked to the high level of community demand for mobile apps that integrate citizens with local governments. Ultimately, DCity is realization of Telkom's support to create Digital Transformation in local government that acts as a media and integrated application to drive technology sharing and solutions in smart cities.