Name of Organization / Company: Sinclair, Hong Kong, China
Category: C01 - C12 Award for Innovation in Communications / PR > C08. Award for Innovation in the Use of Video
Singapore Tourism Board Hong Kong & Macau (STB) is responsible for driving Hong Kong travellers to visit Singapore.
Agency was challenged with crafting PR campaigns to counter perceptions that were identified in research showing Hong Kongers consider Singapore as “boring” and a “culture desert”. Competition from increasingly popular regional and short-haul destinations was a further challenge.
Key Objectives / Challenge
• Build the reputation of Singapore as one of Asia’s culture hub with different offerings for different visitors
• Create initiatives for first time visitors and repeat reasons for repeat visitors
• Sustain interest from families wishing to travel
• Build interest from young professionals to drive off-peak travel
Target Audience
• Families
• Young Professionals
• STB’s key stakeholders
Core Strategy
> Built on insight that Hong Kong travellers wish to learn about the soft culture of their destination and enhance understanding of its people during their trip.
> Deepen Hongkongers understand of Singapore: highlight it as a destination filled with unique, distinguished lifestyle and culture
> Strengthen STB’s affiliation with the target audience: through engagement with media, KOLs and digital influencers.
Our Work
> Positioning
> Impactful storylines
> Strategy was built around social media, with KOLs and digital influencers leading the conversation
> Strong call-to-action incentives
Campaign: “Singlish Fun” for Young Professional travellers (December 2016)
This was a multi-disciplinary campaign targeted at Young Professionals who love digging deep in culture and exploring hidden gems
> Engaged famous KOL Hana Tam to create a video recording of a fun trip with a Singapore KOL, riding on stories about the “soft power” of Singapore, Singlish, which is edgy and eye-catchy for young professionals, and guided by the storyline we provided, which took in appealing themes for young travellers in between which are lesser-known by Hong Kongers.
> The campaign had a strong online element, including a media partnership with a travel focused digital platform, U Magazine. Videos were posted on STB’s official Facebook page and distributed via U Magazine’s various products.
> Partner Collaborations wh budgeted airlines, Tigerair and Jetstar to roll out a special promotion.
Campaign: “My Little Journey To Singapore” for Family travellers (June 2017)
A fully integrated PR campaign to drive summer family travel using an illustration book as the key hook, and supported by a roving truck consumer activation and strong media outreach and digital storytelling.
> To set the tone for the event, a 10-year-old illustrator & KOL Ying Lau and her family were invited to Singapore and illustrated the entire book to share her creative thoughts about the journey
> The campaign was also supported by a video series, targeted post seeding campaign and Facebook giveaway game to further arouse interest.
> A promotional truck visited major Hong Kong districts to create discussion and excitement
> Online and offline support and offers from local and online travel agencies, top Singapore hotels and attractions
> Press preview event
The “Singlish Fun” campaign was a huge success
> Video views: +973,000 organic views
> Reach: +5 million
> Engagements: +95,500
My Little Journey attracted the right target and activated sales
> Hardcopies illustration booklets distributed: 5,000
> Media attendance at launch: +35 TV, print and online media
> Visitors to Street Activation: +3,000
> Social media giveaway entries: +700 media
Facebook engagement increased dramatically
> Facebook page: 17% increase to +114,000 fans
> Average post reach: 57% increase to 135,000
> Average engagement rate: 60 % increase to 1.6%
> Video views: +2.8 million so far
Media Coverage was exceptional
> Total media clippings: +550 print, TV and online clippings
The Campaigns were a Commercial Success
> +467,000 visitor arrivals (Jun 2016 – Apr 2017)
> Singapore is the top travel destination for both families and young professional