Name of Organization / Company: PT Bank Ganesha Tbk.
Category: L01 - L02 - Award for Innovation in Human Resources > L02. Award for Innovation in Human Resources Management, Planning & Practice > Financial Services Industries
Bank Ganesha ("Ganesha") is a leading private bank within BUKU2 (core capital IDR 1-5 trillion) category. Established in 1990, Ganesha was practically asleep for the first 23 years since inception. The previous management was dedicated but lacked the skills, strategy and capital. Consequently, Ganesha offered only basic banking products to tiny customer base and lacked public awareness.
Progress happens when the new management started to bring drastic changes. Within the next two years, despitechallenging macroeconomic backdrop, Ganesha experienced rapid growth and delivered record financial performance; with gains made across all areas of profitability, lending, deposit taking, capitalization, branding, organizational capacity and service quality.
The achievements were made possible by formulating new strategy and focusing its efforts on key areas with greatest impact and long-term value creation including brand revitalization, channel modernization, new products and services, improved customer service, inorganic growth through IPO, strategic partnerships, continuous operational improvements, adoption of GCG and Risk Management best practices.
However, key enabler of all these is a comprehensive HR transformation throughout.
Ganesha realized the needs for HR Transformation including shift in business concept to Customer Centricity, changes in future work skills, talent shortages and incoming Age of Artificial Intelligence.
For the organization to be innovative and agile, Ganesha set the following HR Transformation formulation:
• Talent Acquisition - Talent Sourcing, Recruitment Tools and Recruitment Channels. Innovative ways of recruiting high quality talents including paperless recruitment, idea competition challenge, campus/LinkedIn hiring and brand building through social media.
• Performance Management - Formulation of performance management tools, including clear KPI alignment, goal setting & assessment on semester basis.
• Learning & Development - Incorporating 3 elements to change learning habit & behaviors: People Strategy (Leadership Development programs), Infrastructure (HRIS) and Curriculum (Smartphone-accessible Knowledge Management System and e-Learning modules).
• Reward & Recognition - Standardized meritocracy through performance base standard, salary structure alignment, setting of variable & non-variable reward schemes, market benchmarking.
• Talent Management - Talent Assessment, Identification and Mapping based on leadership, personality and preferences to source leadership potentials internally. High Potentials undergo customized development program.
• Industrial and Employee Relations - Win-win relationship between management and employees through kinship and transparency.
This HR Transformation, in conjunction with technology, works as key enablers of Bank-wide strategy goals.
Achievements 2016:
Following IPO completion and escalated classification to BUKU2 bank, Ganesha sharpened organizational structure and redefined Vision & Values. Ganesha set Competency Standards, Job Grading, Job Description, Key Performance Indicators for each function and employee.
Achievements 2017:
• Introduced Unique Value Proposition (UVP) in which HR Transformation is aligned with Vision & Values to support business goals. In UVP, Ganesha set Employee Value Proposition (EVP) and Customer Value Proposition (CVP). Through EVP, Ganesha provides ‘Thrilling Experience, X-traordinary Opportunities, Collaborative Teamwork, Enriching Knowledge and Excellent Leadership’ (G-Excel) in return for employees’ skills & capabilities.
• Engaged LinkedIn to improve presence and search candidates, reached universities, conducted lectures and job recruitments, established presence in social media.
• Launched HIPO Development Program to improve understanding towards vision; Raise leadership, performance; and understand management methods to increase capacity & quality. Through prototyping and disruptive approach, HIPOs collaborated in strategic initiatives, built Innovation culture and implement Agile organization concept.
• Developed HR Information System (HRIS) to transform and automate HR business processes including recruitment, training and smartphone-accessible learning modules. HRIS combines necessary HR functions including HR Administration, Employee Self Service, HR Strategic Matters and ESS Mobile.
• Built Idea Corner and library, in which employees can collaborate and brainstorm together by providing creative and fun spaces.
HR Transformation in Ganesha is not a one-time event - it's an ongoing and continuous journey in which HR practices work for business so human capital yield more returns whilst achieving win-win solutions for all stakeholders.