Name of Organization / Company: USANA Health Sciences, Salt Lake City, UT USA
Category: G01 - G07 - Award for Innovation in Events > G04. Award for Innovation in Internal (Corporate) Events
USANA’s Public Relations team was tasked with creating an event that will not only excite USANA’s Associates in attendance at the 2017 International Convention, but will also garner local and national media attention. To achieve their goals, the team decided that breaking a Guinness World Record would be the best way to increase USANA’s brand integrity and highlight USANA’s 25th anniversary and science-based history.
Breaking a Guinness World Record means the chance to be included in the Guinness Book of Records, which sold 2.5 million copies in 2016 and is available in more than 100 countries and 20 different languages.
The team decided that the perfect record to break would be the record for largest gathering of people dressed as scientists. This particular record was set by Stivichall Primary School and friends in Coventry, United Kingdom on July 9, 2016. USANA needed more than 489 people to dress as scientists – wearing a white lab coat, goggles, and test tube or beaker – to stay in an organized space for five-minutes.
It was decided that the event would take place on Wednesday, August 16th during the annual USANAFest celebration at International Convention.
♣ Generate excitement for USANA’s 25th anniversary and encourage those coming to International Convention 2017 to participate in the event.
♣ Increase USANA’s exposure and brand awareness.
♣ Raise funds for USANA’s True Health Foundation.
♣ Remind the public of the quality health and wellness supplements USANA has been providing the world since 1992.
Execute a once-in-a-lifetime, publicity-generating event for USANA’s Associates and the general public by attempting a Guinness World Record that reflects USANA history of science innovation.
♣ Create social media sharables and fun videos with USANA scientists and executives to inform and excite USANA’s fan base about the event.
♣ Participate in radio and TV segments leading up to the event to inform the public about the record.
♣ Invite local TV and radio stations to cover the event live and interview key individuals during and after.
♣ Create a dedicated Facebook event page where people can find information and sign up for the event and buy a prepackaged, USANA-branded kit.
♣ Sell pre-packaged, USANA-branded lab coats, test tubes, and goggles for $15 and give all proceeds to USANA’s True Health Foundation.
♣ Create a customized SnapChat filter for those in attendance to use and share with their followers.
♣ Design signage to place throughout the convention center to inform attendees about the event.
♣ Create a special edition 25th anniversary float.
♣ Distribute a press release after event notifying public of successful record attempt.
The total budget for this event was $120,000. The total budget spent was $95,000. With $25,000 going to Guinness World Records as part of their fee, $37,000 paying for the USANA-branded kits, and the rest going to miscellaneous uses.
• USANA easily broke the record with an official count of 893, though the count would have been much higher if not for time restrictions. There were an estimated 4,000 participants in full gear ready to be counted.
♣ Radio interview on 97.1 ZHT and TV segment on Good Things Utah prior to event.
♣ On site segments and interviews from 97.1 ZHT, ABC 4 news, and Fox 13 news during event.
♣ Total amount raised from sale of 3,965 USANA-branded kits and other contributions came to $57,935 which equals 231,740 boxed meals for families in need.
♣ More than 12,000 views on two promotional videos on Facebook.
♣ Story of record placed on the official Guinness World Records website.
♣ Repost of story on AOL.com with a readership of 28,761,000.
♣ Stayed under budget with only $95,000 used out of the available $120,000.