Name of Organization / Company: PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero), Jakarta, Indonesia
Category: Award for Innovation in Customer Service Management, Planning & Practice > All Other Industries
Entry Title: Customer Service Mobile
PT Angkasa Pura II is a state-owned enterprise that manages 13 airports in western Indonesia, such as: Soekarno-Hatta (Jakarta) Airport, Kualanamu (Medan), and many more.
Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, is the biggest airport in Indonesia, and currently being one of the top 20 busiest airports in the world with a total passenger of nearly 60 million a year.
In order to cater for the fast passenger growth, PT Angkasa Pura II has built and opened a new modern terminal, Terminal 3 Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (T3). T3, by far, is the largest air passenger and most modern terminal in Indonesia. PT Angkasa Pura II will introduce Indonesia’s art and culture by displaying the work of famous local artist in the surrounding area of T3. Some of the artworks that available in T3, such as: Traveller (by Edi Prabandono), Para Pelipat Jarak (by Dyatmiko LB and Santy Ariestyowanti), Layang-layang Perlambang (by Nasirun), Sang Proklamator (by Galam Zulkifli), Monument Titik-Titik (by Tromarama).
In addition to creating a “SMILE AIRPORT”, management of PT Angkasa Pura II held a “Customer Happines Program”. Customer Happines Program is a weekly program that hold Musical Performances, Traditional Dances, Angklung Inspiring Moment in order to create service excellence.
Besides providing a modern infrastructure, PT Angkasa Pura II also supported by qualified and competent human resources. They are ready every day to give excellent service for every passenger in the following areas:
a. Customer Service
Provide flight information services, airport facilities, tourism, commercial, transport and other information. Services information can be found in the terminal area, namely:
Directly handling customer complaints about flights, airport facilities and other information. Customer Service Center is a centralized counter consists of several customer service.
Public Address System is a room where the customer service serve announcements flight and non-flight services to airport users.
Telephone Information Center is a service provided to service users via telephone regarding flight information, tourism and other (commercial information, transportation, office address, etc).
Service counters for information about aviation and non-aviation facilities such as airports, transportation, and so on.
b. Customer Service Mobile
Customer Service Mobile is one of our unique service, they wear colorful shirt & pants as the uniform, and also equipped with rollerblades, so they can easily move around the terminal and helping the passengers, that point make our service so different from others. “Now you dont have to worry about getting lost, because help is on the way”. Customer Service Mobile is ready to help you. By being mobile, they proactively search any passengers in need. Just approach them and ask any question. Customer Service Mobile will be more than happy to serve you
c. No-Smoking Ambassador
We have no-smoking ambassador because of the larger number of smokers in Indonesia. Sometime they smoke carelessly in the terminal. So our no-smoking ambassador tracking the smokers who smokes in prohibited area and ask politely to stop smoking or remind them to smoke in the smoking area.
d. Terminal Inspection Service
Terminal Inspection Service duty is to check every details of facility to support the operations of the airport went well.
e. Aviation Security
Aviation security known as airport security that protect all passengers in airport.
Customer Service Mobile is unique and attractive. After being implemented, it having great responses from the passenger. From our perspectives, by using inline skate it will shorten th distance to cover the spacious in T3. But one can’t forget that Customer Service Mobile goals is to optimize the effort to give excellent performance to the passenger. Thus, by implementing Customer Service Mobile will improve Customer Satisfaction Index score sifnificantly.
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