Name of Organization / Company: OVERMAN, Seoul, South Korea
Category: Award for Innovation in Cross-Media Marketing
Entry Title: #Mizuno_Half_a_pair Surprising Event
In Korean Market, Mizuno and its running shoes,Wave Rider had very low awareness because of the lack of the stores and marketing budget. But 70% of the people who tried on th shoes bought it instantly with high satisfaction. So we needed to chance to make runners try on this shoes very naturally but very impressively within $ 45,000.
We used the people who had participated the running event in June, 2016 wearing shoes of other brands. We sent a parcel without any notice to 200 runners who had the worst record in the race. The parcel was the half a pair of Wave rider, with a message, "You are the one of the worst record 200 runners in 2016 Mizuno Relay 4 Seoul. The reason of the bad record is not you, that is your shoes. If you want to get the other half a pair, upload the photo of this "half a pair" on your SNS with this hashtag, "#Mizuno_Half_a_pair" and visit the pop-up store with this box."
The uploaded photos was reached to 28,812 followers in Facebook and Instagram, and got 2,530 likes without any paid ads. The 80% of the receivers visited the pop-up-store and tried on it and got to know the quality. The sales of the store raised 150% on the weekend. And some of the 200 joined the other brands' running event with Mizuno Wave Rider.