Name of Organization / Company: MDMedia - member of Telkom Indonesia
Category: Q05 - Q14 - Award for Innovation in Websites and Blogs > Q09. Award for Innovation in General Information Websites
Number of Internet penetration and mobile subscriber in Indonesia is very high. In 2017, estimated Indonesia has more than 130 million for Internet and 170 million mobile users. This situation encourages people to change their behavior, especially shopping behavior. Some of the markets like Small Medium Enterprise (SME) facing difficulties to follow this "Go Digital" trend. Based on a study by KEMKOMINFO (Ministry of Communication and Informatics), only 9% of the total 57.9 million SMEs digitally market their product.
Adapting that market demand, in 2016 Yellow pages digital transformation begun. Yellowpages Printed used to be main revenue MD Media began to decline therefore MD Media has to find other revenue stream. One of them is YellowPages Transformation into SME Digital Enabler by making it as an easy and cheap digital advertising tool for SME.
To achieve these goals, several challenges has to be tackled, some of them are:
•Transformation from printed to digital product.
•Selection of the right technology that can convert the complex legacy and conventional business process.
•Creating a User Interface (UI) design that can provide better digital experience quite well, that could cater the need of social media user.
•Changing mind set, adding skill & knowledge and motivating sales to transform.
•Embed some values such as creativity, openness, innovative, agile, experimentation so that all employees can support digital transformation.
In the early stages, we focused on updating customer database, improve the website to be more user friendly. Once all is fulfilled, product development begins to expand into digital ads inventory and partnership with payment gateway (Finnet). In the second semester, product development focused on adding features such as mobile apps version, dashboard (user and business), and hotel aggregator. Later, in addition to as an aggregation of all advertising products Telkom Group, as well as digital solution inventory and digital analytic platform.
The feature Product that can be found at www.yellowpages.co.id are:
•Vertical Business : www.yellowpages.co.id as a hotel aggregator and has become an affiliate of several companies such as Pegi-pegi, Traveloka, Booking.com, tiket.com and Agoda. This scheme can be applied to other vertical businesses.
•Digital Advertising Inventory : User is expected to do the promotion independently (do it yourself). Products ready for sale through www.yellowpages.co.id are:
-Flag Banner & Sponsor Business
Make the listing different from other company listings.
-SMS Targeted
Promotion via sms with a specified target, in bulk at certain time.
Promotion via digital out of home by choosing one location from several strategic locations in Indonesia.
- Google Ads & Facebook Ads
Promotion via Google search engine and advertise on Facebook in accordance with predetermined targets.
•Digital Solution Inventory & Digital Analytic Platform
Digital solution inventory and digital analytic platform are still under development in 2018.
With the products in www.yellowpages.co.id can change the mindset that digital advertising takes a long time and expensive. User especially SME can choose digital advertising media as they want to use, fill in the data, top up their balance to pay, and products can be promoted at that time.
These Solution will solve a great deal of SME’s problem in this digital era.
As for Financial achievement, within 5 months started in August 2017, revenue is Rp 7.5 M. Traffic increased from 267,000 to 1.240.000 at the end of December (500% increase). User increased from 217,000 users to 2.665.000 at the end of December (1,200% increase) as well as mobile apps download increased from 295 to 7,699.
Development this product has proven to reap tremendous result. Some important things in the digital business such as revenue, traffic, users and the number of downloaders successfully increased in 2017. It shows the potential of www.yellowpages.co.id to grow and become SME enabler for UMKM in Indonesia and revenue generator for Telkom Group.