Name of Organization / Company: Freelancer.com, Sydney, NSW Australia
Category: Q05 - Q14 - Award for Innovation in Websites and Blogs > Q13. Award for Innovation in Shopping or Ecommerce Websites
Freelancer.com has made possible for millions of people worldwide to strive with their side hustle in order to finance their dreams; while they work with entrepreneurs who are aspiring to fully expand their enterprise. With the Freelancer mobile and desktop apps, employers are given the convenience and mobility to post projects wherever they are, whenever they need to get work done and find the right talent for their projects faster.
Here are some of the products and features that can help our users maximize their Freelancer account using our desktop and mobile apps:
Mobile App
- Employers can find and post jobs even on-the-go
- Employers and freelancers can chat and collaborate faster
The Freelancer.com mobile app is available on Google Play store and the Apple App store.
Desktop App
- Freelancers can use the app’s time tracker to make sure all the hours they worked are billed accurately.
- The app automatically (can also be set manually) takes screenshots as proof of the freelancer’s completed tasks
- Entrepreneurs can crowdsource an idea for their business and receive many entries to choose from, but only have to pay for one
- Sending top-rated entries gives freelancers a chance to get hired after the contest has ended
Recruiter Service
- Employers can get help from Recruiters in searching for the right freelancer for the job
- Recruiters will recommend the best from the elite circle of Preferred Freelancers
Freelancer Video Call
- The effective means of communication for employers and their hired freelancers
- Seeing the face of the person our user are talking to makes it easier to establish trust, which leads to a comfortable working relationship
Hire Me Work Tools
- Freelancers and the clients they invited to the site will have 0% project fees on all projects they have together
- This lifetime privilege is valid only if the referred clients have not used Freelancer before
hire me program
Paid Membership
- Paid memberships are expected to bring freelancers more rewards and greater chances of winning projects.
- The higher the membership plan, the more benefits users can earn for themselves
Preferred Freelancer Program
- Freelancers who are accepted to the program get access to high-value projects
- One of our experts will find and recommend the perfect freelancer for employers who posted jobs and chose to use this service, saving their time.
- This is a more visually appealing way for employers to find the next designer to hire
- For freelancers, this is another way to get hired with their best works showcased on the page
Local Jobs
- Employers can discover local professionals and get a freelancer in their area to help get something done
Our customer service responds to 80% of queries within 2 minutes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year, by using primarily online chat to resolve most issues. We also have the Recruiter team, a high level support team that works closely with our top employers on the best projects on our site, by assisting them in the selection process.
Our business's users live and work in 247 countries, regions and territories. Not all of which have A-grade Internet. Our teams are building tools that are designed to improve sustainable speed and website/mobile responsiveness over time.
Speed is not just an equity of access issue for our (predominantly) freelancers in the developing world who rely on us to help them find opportunities, but is also great business sense. Studies have shown that a fast, responsive site gets higher sales.
Our online practices and initiatives have won us numerous prestigious international awards, like the Webby Awards, the eCommerce Australian Export Awards, the Stevie Awards, International Business Awards, and many more.