Name of Organization / Company: Admedika - Member of Telkom Indonesia
Category: P01 - P15 - Award for Innovation in Product Design and Development > P08. Award for Innovation in Health & Wellness
At this time one of the issues of health problems in Indonesia is the high maternal and fetal mortality rates during pregnancy, in addition to the high mortality rate of other problems of health of infants aged 0 years up to 2 years who still require intensive services because it is still prone to various diseases need to get the maximum quality of health services.
There are several factors that cause high maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Indonesia. Reporting from the United Nation on the Commission on Population and Development report, Indonesia Delegate 2010, said that the accessibility and quality of maternal health, including family planning, is still the main cause of high maternal mortality in Indonesia. In addition, another factor is the population of specialist doctors who are not evenly distributed. The population of specialist doctors in the city is higher than the remote areas. Another problem is the difficult terrain that must be taken by patients to health facilities in the city.
The T-Health MOM (Mobile Obstetrics Monitoring) service has been Go to Public since 2016 using Philips ultrasound tools and continues to be developed until end of year 2017 . Admedika launched T-Health MOM Advance with the addition of new features that feature post pasture caradiver part is a feature to be able to help grow children from the age of 3 months up to 24 months, Antepartum mother features developed for monitoring the health of pregnant women and babies months up to 24 months so as to maximize the first 1000 days, can be used for conventional ultrasound devices and Medical Help Line in the fourth quarter of 2017.
T-Health MOM solutions consist of:
a.T-Health-MOM application that is operated on web-browsers and smartphones that’s equipped with analytical system for Antenatal Risk Stratification and Patient Report Management in every healthcare checkup which is provided by doctors, midwives, and public health service.
b.USG Portable that was designed specifically for telemedicine making it possible to produce high quality resolution of images and videos to support assessments.
c.USG Conventional and is not limited by a specific ultrasound device or brand.
d. E-Health Pack-bag: Weighing scale, fetal Doppler, BP apparatus, thermometer, urine protein test, hemoglobin level, blood glucose.
e. T-Health MOM training and monitoring for midwives and general doctor, as well as off-site assistance for 1 year.
f. Post pasturian caradiver is a feature developed for monitoring the health of pregnant women and infants aged 3 months to 24 months
g.The Medical Help Line is a centralized office used for receiving or transmitting by telephone. Agent can get and give information, accommodate customers complaints, and even become the door to get the technical assistance for the customer. These services include: Interactive Voice Response (IVR), Computer Telephony Integration (CTI), Automatic Call Recording (ACR), Call Recording System (CRS), Silent Monitoring, Coaching, Call Release,Call Work Code, add contacts.
T-Health MOM and Medical Help Line has been implemented in Sijunjung, Papua, Minahasa, Sorong, Merauke, Manokwari and Sarmi.
Financial result:
Revenue in 2017 amount to IDR 2.464.418.182 and predicted in 2018 amount to IDR 10 Billion with 50 projects .
Non Financial result:
a) Social Value
• For government with T-Health MOM can help the success of Antenetal Care program that is integrated and sustainable so as to suppress AKI. And can provide a maximum quality of health services for the development of children aged 0-2 years,
• Governments can predict their medical symptoms and prevention in the future with more manageable reporting management,
• Company image.
• Communities in remote areas can use state-of-the-art medical technology and can interact via medical help line
b) Opportunities
• Potential market T-Health MOM until the year 2020 there are 931 health centers 52 Health Office with an estimated revenue of IDR 50 billion