Name of Organization / Company: Telkom Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Category: Award for Innovation in Education or Training Websites
Entry Title: Guru Pembelajar E-Learning Website
Indonesia, an archipelago country with more than 14.000 islands, has many challenges to provide equal treatment of educational quality throughout the nation. The two recent years data has shown that the average score of Uji Kompetensi Guru/ UKG (Teacher Competency Test) was still in the low rate, i.e. 47.00 (2014) and 56.86 (2015) out of 100. Most of the low score of UKG has been contributed by teachers living in rural area/ island. Another survey has indicated that among 3 million teachers, there have only been 1.3 millions who have been certified, whereas the other 1.7 million teachers didn't have registered teacher certification.
Indonesian government had a main concern to improve quality of education, by aiming to improve teacher competency standard, measured by UKG; and to conduct registered teacher certification to be applied to all 1.7 million teachers. However, today’s training and certification method have a limitation capacity. All classical class (face-to-face method) provided by government only could accommodate 30.000 teachers per year to be trained or certified, which means need about 57 years to certified 1.7 milllion teachers.
To overcome the challenge, Telkom has developed Guru Pembelajar E-Learning (Learner Teacher E-Learning) website, as a new innovative system for teacher training and certification process, aiming to boost more 1 million teachers throughout Indonesia. This system has transformed a conventional learning method into an ICT based online e-learning system, that can be accessed from internet website and mobile apps (Android Play Store : Guru Pembelajar). The innovation could be run simultaneously, thus it could cut the target accomplishment time dramatically from 57 years to only 2 years, with an affordable cost too.
In beginning of 2016, the application has started to be developed, and needed almost 6 months to complete all the development process, including system validation, application trial & testing, infrastructure readiness, feedback, and final delivery. The innovation has been launched on August 2016 by Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.
Guru Pembelajaran E-Learning website consist of several features :
- Management Information System for Class Management : class schedule arrangement for teachers as students, and backend support for content management to support readiness of online learning material for teachers.
- Learning Management System (LMS) : learning portal for teachers, where teachers can download learning material. LMS is also equiped by a virtual class system, called UmeetMe. So teachers can interact each others or with lectures, face-to-face via video conference or video streaming. Video on Demand feature is also equiped for teachers who want to download some certain previous learning online event or discussion.
- Single Sign On : an integrated user identification tools. Teachers can use their own UKG id and password, then can access to all content of Guru Pembelajar E-Learning.
- Business Intelligence & Dashboard Analytics : It provides information about all activities on Guru Pembelajar E-Learning, including intelligence to identify gap competency of teachers, and suggestion for improvement.
- Internet Mobility Access : Specially designed for teachers that can access to learning module material from mobile. Thus, it is easily accessible for teachers at any location throughout Indonesia.
- Help Desk 24/7 : Specially designed contact center for Guru Pembelajar, with call center +6221-1500476, E-Mail: gurupembelajar@elearning.co.id, Facebook: guruku.pembelajar, and Twitter: gurupembelajar.
As a result, after this innovation has been implemented for 3 months, 256.000 teachers have been registered and produce revenue of IDR 34 billion (USD 2.6 million). Whereas Government is likely to continue the program, thus it will create huge revenue potential from 3 years teachers’ certification program : USD 6.3 million, USD 11 million, and USD 14.4 million for year 2017, 2018 and 2019 respectively. In government perspective, this new innovation can cut the cost of conventional classical teaching by IDR 2 Trillion (USD 154 million) saving cost.
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