Company: Telkom Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Category: Award for the Innovation in Technology Development > Telecommunications Industries
Entry Title: Integrated Cloud Broadcasting: Broadcasting Service Accessibility Solutions
Rising demand of information has urged TV broadcaster to deliver up-to-date information in live and non-live (recorded). The broadcasters compete each other to provide recent and trusted information in fast and easy way, to get more attention from viewers, advertisers and other parties to increase their market values. In addition, the viewers want to get recent updated information immediately, by using variety of devices, not only television but also portable devices such as notebook and smartphone.
Telkom Indonesia (Telkom) has developed an innovation, called Integrated Cloud Broadcasting, to fulfill needs of TV broadcasters and viewers. Traditionally, the broadcasters use SNG (Satellite News Gathering) for live event that was limited by the number of devices (Telkom has 13 devices, while Indonesian broadcasters have 5 devices on average), bandwidth of transponder and mobility of SNG. Consequently the innovation utilizes SNG and Internet Protocol (IP) News Gathering, by integrating Virtual Private Network (VPN) IP, Metro Ethernet, dedicated internet access, WiFi, Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), and 3G/4G, within a cloud server, called UseeTV.com. Telkom deployed variety of connectivities in some news spots in Indonesia, for example Presidential Palace, Parliament Building, and Bundaran Hotel Indonesia, that can be used by the broadcasters based on usage. After covering news from the news spot, the broadcasters can exploit some deployed connectivities in plug and play, to submit news contents to their studios. The contents can be accessed by broadcasters in the studio, henceforward broadcast to viewers using radio transmission and UseeTV.com streaming.
In service development period, Telkom considered broadcaster requirements and involved the broadcaster in planning, development, trial and evaluation. In development stage, service configuration and business model were constructed to adapt to the broadcasters’ desire in live event. And then, trial and evaluation of service has been examined by Metro TV in live event of Jokowi Celebration after inauguration on 20th October 2014 in Jakarta. After some improvements, the innovation was ready for commercial use and have been used by Metro TV, TVRI, Berita Satu TV, Trans TV and Hope Channel.
Values of the innovation can be obtained from some aspects, namely for service provider, TV broadcasters and viewers. First of all, the innovation is a new revenue engine for Telkom that contributed IDR 12 billlion/USD 923 thousand (growth 275%) in 2015, and it was estimated about IDR 115 billion (USD 8.8 million) in 2016. The innovation also placed Telkom as a leading company in Indonesia because there is no similar service provided by other competitors. Secondly, the innovation gives a chance for the broadcaster to run business efficiently. The broadcaster allows to run business with less investment because they do not need to invest streaming server and mobile SNG. Mobilities of reporter and cameraman can be increased from one news spot to others.
In addition, operational cost by using WiFi or other plug and play connections is roughly half the cost of SNG. Third, the innovation gives values for the viewers because more accessible from multi devices and multi areas, along they have internet connection. Furthermore, the viewers in a society can be contributors for the broadcasters as amateur reporters, by recording and submitting their videos to the broadcaster. Finally, the innovation also presents values for local area to broadcast local contents with the purpose to preserve the local cultures, potential area promotion (investment) and tourism. The investor and the visitor are able to obtain variety information that they need about the area.
In conclusion, Integrated Cloud Broadcasting was developed and have been used by some leading broadcasters in Indonesia. The innovation has contributed values not only for service provider, but also for TV broadcasters and viewers.
Supporting Materials:
Telkom Presentation: Integrated Cloud Broadcasting
Telkom Testimonial