Name of Organization / Company: Admedika - Telkom Indonesia Group
Category: Award for Innovation in General Utility Apps
Entry Title: Digitalization of Health Benefit Information with Admedika AdMobile
AdMedika is the largest Third Party Administrator in Indonesia servicing more than 4 million policy holders of 94 clients (insurance, corporation and State Own Enterprises) and handling more than 6.5 million claim documents annually.
Despite the increasing awareness of the importance of having health insurance, it’s a common knowledge that majority of policy holders did not pay much attention to their own policy details. Most of the claim excess and complaint cases in AdMedika are as a result from lack of these informations. On annual average, AdMedika received more than 5 million calls and cases and majority of them are inquiries for said informations.
Based on above problem identification, AdMedika has developed a mobile application named "AdMobile". With AdMobile, the policy holders can easily access their benefit informations (plan & coverage, claim history and provider network). The policy holders can also have their own personal health assessment and do online chat consultation with medical doctors.
Since launched on October 2015, AdMobile received a very positive respond and there’s a high demand for white labelling. This is due to the nature of AdMedika’s business model which is B2B2B2C & B2B2C where the policy holders is not a direct member of AdMedika. The client expect their members to be exposed to the client’s own brand.
In less than 16 months, AdMobile already have 10 white label versions. 7 versions are currently available on the app market and 3 more versions is on development. 7 out of 10 of these versions are “white label plus” means the client add their own features such as product information and online claims.
To cater the ever increasing demand for more values and features that can support the promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative care, AdMedika is currently developing a new version of AdMobile that will be rebranded as “MyPersona”. The new MyPersona app will have new features such as mobile cash, homecare services, pharmacy market place, emergency assistant and provider directory and online booking. MyPersona is scheduled to launch on June 2017 and can be used by the public in general and will not be limited for AdMedika’s members only.
The AdMobile has brought distinctive values for all parties involved:
1. For Policy Holders
For most cases, lack of information on health benefits potentially leads to claim excess and reimbursements. The app provide ease of access to these informations and helps the policy holders to reduce the risk of claim excess and enjoy AdMedika’s cashless health care.
2. For clients
For insurance companies, the app create value for their product, reducing queries of information and complaints. For corporation and State Own Enterprises, the app creates value for the company and employees. The personal health assessment and online consultation feature helps to maintain policy holders’ health and potentially reduce claims ratio.
3. For company
The first white label version is launched in January 2016 and since then has generated a total revenue of USD 135.000. With the new upcoming version MyPersona, AdMedika expecting to obtain average revenue of IDR 4 Billion / year (USD 300.000). In the first five years MyPersona have the potential to generate revenue of IDR 20,2 Billion (USD 1,52 Million). For nonfinancial results, the app has proven to be one of the determinant factor for winning the market.
Few years ago the insurance companies tends to believe ease of information for policy holders could lead to high claim ratio but the AdMobile app helps to increase the awareness of the importance of the digitalization of health benefit informations. By failing to do so could lead to higher risk in the future. In conclusion, the AdMobile app not only provide values for clients and policy holders but has strengthen AdMedika’s position as key player in the national health industry.
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