Company: DHL Express NZ Customer Services, Auckland, New Zealand
Category: Support Team of the Year
Entry Title: DHL Express NZ Customer Services Team
DHL Express Customer Services has now been operating in New Zealand for 40 years, commencing in 1973.We were one of the earliest counties to join the DHL Network, operating before any European countries joined the network. Starting out in 1973 with only 2 Customer Service agents to now being at over a 50 plus seat Call Centre, with enhanced tools, technology ,and a wider global network, our customers know that when they call us, they are speaking with someone locally who have the ability to also provide a global service A key benefit and huge advantage over some of our key competitors. All staff are full time employees.
We are a very diverse,multicultural,family orientated ,customer focused department.Customer Service contributes to our overall Global vision through innovating our Customer Service approach. We aim to deliver our customer promise by being, knowledgeable, polite and helpful and drive customer loyalty through Great Service Quality. We continue to focus on service quality daily, and live up to our Brand Promise “Excellence, Simply Delivered” .
Customer Services Key Performance Indicators set globally, assist us in measuring and monitoring our financial and business results within our department. Locally however we strive to achieve above the set expectations.Our Key Performance Indicators are listed as follows and are reported and communicated to all staff daily, weekly and monthly.
• GOS (Grade of Services) 90% calls answered within 10 secs
• ACR(Abandon Call Rate) 1% of total calls abandoned
• Trace Closure 70% of traces closed within 3 days
• On Time network response 75% of traces responded within 4 hours
• Up selling achieve xx% of Shippers Insurance and TDX shipments vs all bookings made
• Claims Closure 80% claims closed in 10 days
• Complaints Closure 75% complaints closed within 5 days
In the last 3 years we have never failed a kpi and all have been well above target
Winning 16 International and Nation wide CS awards for the high level of service we provide is a indication of how successful we are in delivering on our brand promise of “Excellence, Simply Delivered”.
We won best Customer Services in courier industry within NZ.2013 we then enetered Westpac Business awards and won Employer of choice award as well as Excellenece in Customer engagement 2 very pretisgious awards.2014 Included the following International External awards
1. Global Best Customer Services Department of the Year (All Industries)
2. Global Best Support Department Customer Services of the Year (All Industries)
1. Best Place to work globally(All Industries)
2. Customer Services Support Executive of the year Global
3. Best Contact Centre under 50 seats (All Industries)
4. Customer Services Team of the year Global (All Industries)
5. Customer Services Director /Executive of the year Global (All Industries 6.Management Team of the year Asia Pacific(All Industries)
7. Customer Service Leader of the year Asia Pacific(All Industries)
1. Best Motivational Community Spirit Programme Asia Pacific (All Industries)
2. Management Team of the Year Global (All Industries)
3. Woman of the year Asia Pacific (All Industries Tracy Penny)
Turnover in 2013 was at 2% and 2014 3 % we have built a culture over the last few years of dedicated,loyal and committed staff this also seen through the outstanding Employee opinion survey that shows how highly engaged and motivated our team are.Impact on this has reflected on the great achievement in our results and external awards.
Being the voice of our company, it is imperative Customer Services staff aim to provide outstanding service to our customers through being passionate,aiming to get it right first time,act with speed and most importantly have a can do attitude.The results and respect behaviours displayed by Customer Services Management team has contributed to the successful results achieved in Customer Services
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